Plums, Pears & Peaches – Culinary Uses & Pollinators


Note: To avoid killing bees and other insect pollinators, do not apply insecticides while plants are in bloom.

Au Rosa  - best when eaten right from the tree. Self-pollinating, but any Au-Series or Methly plum will pollinate it. 

Burbank -  is the most popular variety of plum.  It is hardy, bears early and sets heavy crops. The fruit is great to eat fresh or can, and it makes great jams and jellies. Pollinated by Red Heart.


Methley -  It produces heavy, annual crops of juicy, sweet, red purple fruit. The fruit is juicy, sweet and mild with a distinctive flavor which is good for fresh eating or jelly.  Pollinators include Santa Rosa, Ozark Premier, and Burbank.

Ozark Premier –  Sweet-tart, firm flesh makes it a good all-purpose plum.  Pollinators and Burbank and Elephant  Heart.

Santa Rosa  -  Eat these plums fresh or cooking with them. For preservation, plums can be canned, made into jam, or dehydrated into prunes.  Pollinators include Methly and Elephant  Heart.


All are self-fertile, but yields will increase with another type of peach planted.

Contender -  Produces large fruits that have a small pit and excellent red skin color. Great for canning and fresh use.   Self-fertile

Elberta - Used for eating, baking, freezing and canning. Self-fertile

La Feliciana -   Developed by LSU.  Peaches bred at LSU are known for their ability to stand high humid areas.  La Feliciana is a late-ripening, large, sweet, freestone peach.  Heavy production and excellent flavor. 


Any recipe calling for apples can be made using fresh pears.

Bartlett – are a canning pear, a pear you can eat fresh, topping for a garden green salad with your favorite dressing or serve freshly sliced Bartlett wedges with cheese for a snack.

Moonglow –   It produces medium to large sized, Bartlett-shaped yellow to red fruit. The white flesh is soft and moderate juicy with almost no grit cells.  This tree has excellent flesh and is great for preserves or canning. This would be the best pollinator for all other trees Pollinate with Barlett. 

Oriental --  It has juicy, melting, creamy flesh and a mild flavor. Use for canning in salads or desserts, can be eaten fresh, or used in baking.  Orient is not self-fertile and requires pollination by Bartlett or Moonglow. 

Pineapple –  Produces large, tangy and crisp pineapple shaped pears with golden-yellow color. The pears are excellent for canning or fresh eating stores well up to 3 months.  Pollinator is Moonglow.


Rain Garden Plants


Partial to Full Sun Perennials